Eerie Silence

I am not a stranger to travelling alone on flights. But for the past 4+ years my travel is always with my two little munchkins.  I did take couple of work trips in domestic flights which are short and my colleagues were with me providing company. So when I started planning this trip to get Saharsh back to Columbus, I realized I have to travel alone one way. And I assumed I will enjoy that quiet time or me time. I am wrong and I realized it in the first leg of my flight.

I hated each lonely moment, hated the silence since there is no crying or continuous chatter with never-ending questionnaire, hated when I ate my food where there are no spills or gulping, hated sleeping long without the little warm body touching me or disturbing me every 5 minutes, hated navigating easily through the layovers without hands full of luggage or restroom breaks, hated for not able to use the tiniest bathroom multiple times, hated when I was able to use bathroom peacefully since there is no 3 foot person who is keen to explore and touch all the yucky stuff surrounding, hated watching the big people movies vs kids and hated since I am not able to use my use my favorite word “SORRY” because there are no unintentional kicks or troubles to the fellow passengers.

All of a sudden, I heard an upset infant started crying with no stopping soon. That was music to my ears and somewhere in my heart I felt this is the company I am looking for.
Ohh dear! Ohh dear! What did motherhood do to me!


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