Akshar is always Daddy’s boy. He even words out “Nana” when he cries. Amma is always a plan B to him. But, Saharsh is on the other territory (for now). Though he follows “Anna/Big Bro” in all the activities, he picks “Amma” as his priority. And he is possessive in most of the aspects about “Amma”. I kind of liked that closeness especially, when the elder one is like touch me not when Dad is around. I joke around saying we don’t need even glue and that how much he sticks to me when he is at home. That kind of opens another door to his personality. When I drop at day care, it is usually a scary sight with screams of crying and gallons of tears. That makes my day worse. Today is one among those days.
He has to change places (day care) and yesterday was his first day at the new place (Sanctuary Kids care). I was tensed since Monday night and barely slept thinking about the next morning. And why it is? See the story below. 😉
The day he started recognizing people (~ 4 months), he developed extreme stranger anxiety. It continued even when he was left in India for a span of 15 months. My anxiety levels are higher right before the day he starts the day care (Lets use DC as acronym since this post have many DCs :P ). Saharsh started DC when he was barely 5 months old. To my surprise, he took that phase quiet well and he did the same thing when we left him in India. He was around 10 months. But it was not the same case, when I brought him back to USA , he turned 26 months and started the second stint of DC. It took forever for him to adjust and he finally got settled down after 6 weeks. That was a tough transition to him as well as me (who likes to see their 2-year-old crying all day and especially when you have a glue stick type bond).
When I came to know about this new transition last week, I felt like I got stuck in to another whirlwind. My stress levels are higher thinking about this dreadful week in the last week. And if anyone measured my blood pressure this morning, I will be advised to get some pills to get those numbers down. Looking at the little one’s face right before I left, I cursed myself for doing this. I cursed my job (I started my new role the same day, lucky me), cursed the situations, cursed random people on road and everything I saw. Well another perk of being a working mom! You get to this type of situations often.
But later I slowly got settled down and started reflecting about the things that happen around. People go through transitions, situations (sometimes tougher), incidents and life changing events. How do we cope up? We get used to it, learn through the experience and adapt, fight the situations and enjoy the life. It will be the same for kids. These experiences will be their starting point to tackle the life ahead (after all, life will be full of struggles and challenges). Be it a DC (I told you this word will be haunting through the post), Kindergarten, School, college or first job. Definitely it will be tough at the beginning, but that’s what it will help them succeed. Thinking about these uncondemnable facts and soothing myself, I texted new DC to check on Saharsh. Below is the picture I got back indicating he slowly got adjusted this morning and now busy coloring. I know this is our first step and we have multiple stairs in front of us to reach the “summit of adjustment” at the new place. Together we will do it in the next few weeks. But for now, I want to tap both of us for the first success and fight the next. Go Saarshie!!!!