
Showing posts from May, 2019

Eerie Silence

I am not a stranger to travelling alone on flights. But for the past 4+ years my travel is always with my two little munchkins.    I did take couple of work trips in domestic flights which are short and my colleagues were with me providing company. So when I started planning this trip to get  Saharsh  back to Columbus, I realized I have to travel alone one way. And I assumed I will enjoy that quiet time or me time. I am wrong and I realized it in the first leg of my flight. I hated each lonely moment, hated the silence since there is no crying or continuous chatter with never-ending questionnaire, hated when I ate my food where there are no spills or gulping, hated sleeping long without the little warm body touching me or disturbing me every 5 minutes, hated navigating easily through the layovers without hands full of luggage or restroom breaks, hated for not able to use the tiniest bathroom multiple times, hated when I was able to use bathroom pe...


Its tough reading and completing nonfiction for me. Talk about autobiographies.  😖  Autobiographies are not easy to read through. In my view, it’s like reading through their personal life which is neither exciting nor fun. Some find it interesting but after some 30/40 pages I lose it. Becoming is a bit different from my experience. I don’t know if that is because of gender or working mom or because of her honest voice. Couple of months back one of my good friends in Columbus generously lent me this book. At that time, I was in the middle of a nail-biting fiction book. So, could not drop it and took my time to complete my current reading list and then picked up “Becoming” few weeks later. It was one of the good books I have read in the last few years. I cursed myself for not starting it earlier. Choked reading some of her experiences, liked her  wittiness  and got inspired in many instances. I decided to list few of my takeaways since everything is fresh in my mind. ...