Busy Busy semester ends finally. It has been a very busy sem for me when compared to other semesters. I didn't get a chance to blog since a month because of my damn busy schedule.There have been many issues and hot topics in the mean while. There have been hot topics about a new political party, rumours of having elections in march and the tragic Nilofer hospital issue. Since 2 weeks every part of the paper has the same topic about the film star's party.Though there have been important topics in the world but the spicy issue is this.Sometimes media behaves strange. Just to attract the people they give wild importance to unnecessary topics. They are the means on whom people rely most. Sometimes people follow them blindly... whatever it is right or wrong. In such cases if they mislead with any sort of information what is the effect? I saw an article in one of the websites about the importance of the new political party.I saw the pros and cons about this. In their perspective the ...